Buddhist Meditation (Zazen)
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
We meet in-person in the Hogg Hall Interfaith Chapel or virtually at this URL: meet.google.com/bqc-gpdn-pkj
Meditation is led by Keith Wilson. Keith (Kangyo) is a Zen Buddhist monk who trains with Kurt Spellmeyer, Kankan Roshi, director and teacher of Cold Mountain Zen based in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Keith has practiced Zen meditation since 2004, ordaining in 2010 as an Unsui (Cloud-Water) monk in the Rinzai tradition of Zen Buddhism. Keith is authorized by Kankan Roshi to lead sitting groups in the Lehigh Valley as part of the Cold Mountain Zen organization. Keith resides in Easton, Pennsylvania and supports himself by working as a Chemical Engineer in the Environmental and Healthcare fields.
Hogg Hall Interfaith Chapel
Easton, PA 18042, United States